Limited number of handcrafted hats and bags available now
The Ness of Brodgar excavation is blessed with friends who want to support the project – whether by archaeological input, running the online shop, on-site volunteering or fundraising.
Some combine effort on several fronts.
One, Anne, combines endless data entry, meet-and-greet each summer on site, helping at our Open Days and making wonderful craft items to sell for Ness funds.
We have seven of Anne’s bags for sale – all made from 10 per cent cashmere and 90 per cent merino wool and with cross-stitched designs relating to the Ness.
They can be viewed and bought here.
Every penny from their sale goes entirely to Ness funds, bar the post and packing element. Truly generous.
When we launched our Ness of Brodgar knitting patterns, one of the most common questions from non-knitters was “Can we buy the hats themselves?”
Well, now you can. We have a very limited stock of 25 Tam o Brodgar hats, inspired by the colours and decoration encountered at the Ness excavation.
There are 18 in size one (crown diameter 27cm/10.5in; ribbing to fit head circumference: 53-58cm/21-23in) and seven in size two (crown diameter 27cm/10.5in; ribbing to fit head circumference: 59-64cm/23-25in).
They have been knitted by two of our supporters, Sally and Anne, using Orkney Tweed’s Orkney wool to our own Ness pattern.
For those wanting to try their hands themselves, the patterns and knitting kits are available here.
So whether you’re looking for a bag or hat, given the limited numbers, we suggest you order soon.
Thank you for supporting the Ness excavation.