Buildings through time: Structure Twelve

The next in our series looking at the excavation of each major structure over time focuses on Structure Twelve.


Location of Structure Twelve within Trench P.

Structure Twelve Appears - July 2010.

Trench P was extended in 2010 to investigate another large geophysical anomaly. Although initially considered to be the possible south end of Structure Eight, this anomaly proved to be a separate building, Structure Twelve. (ORCA)

July 2010 - wall lines of Structure Twelve emerge from the midden. (ORCA)

July 2010: Wall lines of Structure Twelve (and the beginnings of the later northern entrance annex) emerge from the midden. (ORCA)

July 2010 - the footprint of Structure Twelve becomes clearer. (ORCA)

July 2010: The footprint of Structure Twelve. (ORCA)

July 2010 - six days after the above photographs, the northern end of the building and it's robbed-out eastern wall becomes clearer. (ORCA)

July 2010: Six days after the above photographs, the northern end of the building and it’s robbed-out eastern wall becomes clearer. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve 2010 plan. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve 2010 plan. (ORCA)

July 2010 - six days after the above photographs, the northern end of the building and it's robbed-out eastern wall becomes clearer. (ORCA)

Great progress – Structure Twelve in 2011. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve - Phases one and two

2012: Looking across the building from the northern entrance annex (a later addition). (ORCA)

2012: Looking across the building from the northern entrance annex  – a later addition to the structure. (ORCA)

2012: View from above. (ORCA)

2012: View from above. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve 2012 plan. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve 2012 plan. (ORCA)

2013: Planning under way in the interior after the removal of the midden baulk that ran across the centre.

2013: Planning under way in the interior after the removal of the midden baulk that ran across the centre. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve 2013 plan. (ORCA)

Structure Twelve 2013 plan. (ORCA)

2014: The extent of the eastern wall stone-robbing that took place in antiquity is clear in this photograph (wall at bottom of picture).

2014: The extent of the eastern wall stone-robbing that took place in antiquity is clear in this photograph (wall at bottom of picture).

Drone shot from 2015. (Scott Pike)

Drone shot from 2015. (Scott Pike)

Drone shot from 2016. (Scott Pike)

Drone shot from 2016. (Scott Pike)

2018: Covers in place to protect the floor surfaces. (Scott Pike)

2018: Covers in place to protect the floor surfaces. (Scott Pike)

Structure Twelve and Twenty-Eight

Excavation in 2019 revealed another later annex relating to Structure Twelve - this time outside its eastern entrance (pictured at the bottom of the photograph). (Scott Pike)

Excavation in 2019 revealed another later annex relating to Structure Twelve – this time outside its eastern entrance (pictured at the bottom of the photograph). (Scott Pike)

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