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The Ness of Brodgar complex

Discovered in 2003, the Ness of Brodgar site has been under excavation since 2004, revealing a massive complex of monumental Neolithic buildings dating from the centuries around 3000BC.

Without parallel in Atlantic Europe, the Ness of Brodgar’s three hectares are filled with huge stone structures containing spectacular finds.

These have made the Ness one of the most important archaeological excavations in the world today, changing our understanding of the culture and beliefs of Neolithic Orkney and shining a new light on the prehistory of northern Europe.

The project is mainly funded through the generosity of the public through our two supporting charities, the Ness of Brodgar Trust and the American Friends.

The discovery of the Ness complex
About the Site

Wednesday wildlife – week ten

When not working on Ness-related matters, site director Nick Card can often be seen out and about with his camera. So here’s a selection Nick’s pictures from the past seven… Read more
Ness of Brodgar otter

TV spot for Ness otters

Each summer season the Ness of Brodgar otters are as intriqued watching the archaeologists working on site as we are watching them. Tonight they feature on the latest episode of… Read more
Tern over the Brig o Brodgar with Stones of Stenness in background

Brodgar wildlife on Wednesday

Wednesday is upon us yet again, so we’ve got another selection of wildlife photographs from Ness dig director Nick Card. As usual, click on any image for a larger version.… Read more