‘Entrance to Structure Eight’ – oil-on-canvas painting


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“There was a lot of digging in Structure Eight.  Many of its hearths were visible and samples were being taken.  I found myself sitting on the edge looking into what may have been, the main entrance? Its smooth, centre, flat stones beckoned as the side walls funneled the path into the structure.  Clearly, the stones are not all grey and brown. When the light and rain or hail hit them, different earthy colours soar!”

  • An original Jeanne Bouza Rose painting created on site.
  • Oil on deep canvas
  • 8x8in (20x20cm)

These original paintings were created on site during the 2022 season. They are being offered for sale online and worldwide in advance of a major online and in-person solo exhibition in Stromness in July 2023

Over the past five years, as one of the artists in residence Jeanne Bouza Rose, has captured our ever-changing dig.

Working en plein air, holding canvas or pad in hand and battling the elements alongside the diggers and archaeologists, Jeanne captures in oils and watercolours the shapes and colours of stones, the incised marks. She celebrates the archaeologists, hard at work or relaxing. Sometimes she will present a cameo of a structure, sometimes the monuments are presented alongside the clouds and lochs of this remarkable historical arena. Her work is an expressionist view of it all.

An American who has found a life in Orkney, Jeanne has held the position of Artist in Residence at the Ness of Brodgar since 2018 and since 2011, is a key member of a team of volunteers making the excavation possible.