Dig Diary – Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Day Thirty-Two

A final flurry of cleaning inside Structure Ten. (Jo Bourne)
More cleaning and photography

Backfilling Trench Y.
Not much to report today – cleaning continued in Trench P in preparation for this afternoon’s marathon photography session. And when complete the buildings looked truly stunning.
And talking of photography, we were delighted to welcome National Geographic photographer Jim Richardson back on site today.
Jim has done much to support the Ness and raise its profile across the world and it’s always a pleasure to see him return.
Cleaning done, preparatory work for next week’s big close-down began, with hundreds of tyres shifted to the sides of Trench T and Trench Y, by the banks of the Stenness loch, backfilled.
We’re back to the archaeology tomorrow, and the final few days of of the 2019 excavation.
See you then.