Dig Diary – Sunday, August 21, 2016
Day Thirty-Five

A finely incised slab from the rubble infill of Structure Twenty-Six, discovered by Jasper and Claire.
Thank you all . . .
Sorry folks, there’s no written diary today as we were just too busy with almost 1,200 visitors to the open day. But, we would like to thank all those who assisted in making this such a great success – the HES Rangers, the PTA at Stenness School, OAS, the excavation team, and a host of others who freely gave their time to making such a wonderful day.

The large threshold slab revealed in the magnificent eastern entrance to Structure Twelve, resplendent with flanking standing stones.

The first of the open day tours today, which saw almost 1,200 visitors on site.

The 1,000th visitor today, Gloria Wallington, receives a signed guidebook from site director Nick Card.

Mark Edmonds discussing the joys of some of the fine stone tools with visitors to our outreach at the Stenness School.

Sarah-Jane Gibbon and Jen Harland were on hand to identify the types of bone found at the Ness.

Mark Cook reveals the wonders of nettle string-making – remarkably strong.

Beth Card creating Ness ‘tattoos’ on another willing victim.

Just for Sarah’s dad – his lovely daughter show off the large polissoir discovered in Structure Ten.