Dig Diary – Sunday, August 20, 2017

Day Thirty-Five

A record-breaking open day

The visitor record tumbled today as we welcomed almost 1,300 people to the Ness β€” so unfortunately no time for blog today, but hopefully you’ll enjoy a selection of images of the day.

Huge thanks both to those who came along and  the myriad of people of gave up their time and expertise to make this such a great success, both on site and at Stenness Community School – thank you all!

Structure Eight was a hive of final activity, watched by one of the many tours on site today.

Members of the Orkney Archaeology Society gather at Trench T for a tour by site director Nick.

The Stoke on Trent Morris Dancer Group added a new dimension to proceedings.

The art of willow basketry by Rural Horizons.

Cecily, one of the behind-the-scenes heroes of the Ness, shows what happens to some of the samples we take and how they are processed and sorted.

Frances Pelly describes the production and use of natural pigments.

Jen Harland, ably assisted by Findlay, explains animal bones to the visitors at Stenness School.

Vicki Cummings with her display of dolmen technology.

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