Buildings through time: Structure One
Unsurprisingly, things have changed considerably over the years of work at the Ness. So we thought it would be interesting to compile a collection of photographs showing the excavation of each major structure over time.
We start this week with the first building found on site, way back in 2003, Structure One.

Structure One (at the rear of the trench in the picture) at the start of the 2007 season. (ORCA)

Structure One. July 2007. (ORCA)

Excavation under way inside Structure One in 2008. (ORCA)

The interior of the building’s second phase in 2010. The curved wall section visible in the interior (beside the ranging rods) is part of a construction dating to a later phase of the site. (ORCA)

Another view from 2010, showing the ephemeral, later curved construction. To the right of the photograph the curved wall, inserted into the interior of Structure One at the start of its second phase of use, is beginning to appear. (ORCA)

2010. The original, Phase One footprint of Structure One is beginning to appear on the left of the photograph, beyond the curved wall. (ORCA)

A view from above in 2011. The Phase Two curved wall is visible to the left of the building, alongside three orthostats. (ORCA)

Vertical shot of Phase Two Structure One from 2014. (ORCA)

2015. Phase Two interior. (ORCA)

Drone shot from 2016, showing the full footprint of the original, phase one building. At the top of the photograph, running into the trench section is Structure Twenty-One. (Scott Pike)

Drone shot from 2019 showing the full extent of Phase One Structure One. To the right is the central paved area, with Structure Twenty-One disappearing into the trench section at the bottom. (Scott Pike)
See also